Sunday, December 26, 2021



These wild ones were seen in the backyard at my home in Kerala. It was early December and bit humid. Saw them on a tree stump. They started off as small buttons. 

Later they started growing to bigger discs.

Took a close shot from below and from top.

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Sitarkundu falls

On my way back after some work near Chittur, I decided to pass by Sitarkundu falls, at Nelliampathy foothills. The approach to this place itself was mesmerizing. 

This "Chenkalchoola"(Kiln) was looking abandoned for some reason. 

On the way, saw some goats and their manager was more than happy to strike a pose.

Finally, once we reached there, what we saw was a small stream, not a waterfall.

Friday, May 28, 2021

Macro-December 2020

 My parents' garden offers plenty of subjects  for macro photography. This time was no different, and with travel restrictions in place, I got a lot of time to get these pictures below. 

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Rajagiri Farm-Palakkad

 During my visit to India last time, I got a chance to visit Rajagiri farms. This is located close to Chulliar Dam and Nelliampathy mountain ranges. 

The farm has got different types of tropical fruits and vegetables. The owner of this farm is more than happy to guide people on growing these plants. 

One of the various types of mangoes they have there.

Grape type- different type of Guava.
There are gooseberries all around. 

More mangoes

Whoever left this "costume" means business!!! One way of keeping rodents away.

A pomegranate flower and pineapple below.

Inside the farm, they have a treehouse ( ഏറുമാടം) from where nearby mountains and landscape is clearly visible. 

We drive past the chulliar dam. Water level was a bit low during this time of the year. 

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Vamala Ayyappan temple, Pallassana

 My first visit to Kerala in 2020 was in December, obviously due to the pandemic situation and related quarantine requirements. Isolated myself for a week and immediately after that, my friend from college days, Dinesh took me to this wonderful place. (Dinesh, Sunil, Bhasi and Anil are few friends from college who are still in close contact).In spite of being so close to my house, I never had a chance to visit this place, a must-go to people who can trek uphill for close to 30 minutes. If you wish to go there the google coordinates are

There are few other hill-top temples nearby, some visible from top of Vamala. The view from top is breathtaking. 

Below picture is that of a temple visible from top, not sure which one.

It is a small Ayyappa temple on top of the hill, not sure if there any daily poojas happening. There are no signs of any daily activity.  

There is a small pool on the way back. We dint try to be too adventurous to get in the water and it dint look very clean. 

This precarious rock is seen on the way just before "summit". My guide Dinesh clicked some pictures climbing on top of that. 

And he is willing to strike a pose or two!!!

Way back home we stopped at one of Dinesh's friends farm.