Saturday, April 27, 2019

Nemmara Vallangy vela-Aanapandhal

"Aanapandhal" is where elephants will be standing near the temple. Illuminated with decorative lights, it is quiet a show.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Nemmara Vallangy Vela- Closing Ceremony

Vela celebrations came to an end with the elephants parading back to Mannam the next day. 

Though deprived of sleep for almost 24 hours, everyone had great energy, dancing to the tunes of "vadhyam" .

Just the walk towards "Mannam"was exiting. 

Main elephant bows down in front of "mannatth amma" where it all started, promising to come back next year. It is a year long wait for all of us!!!

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Nemmara-Vallangy Vela-Vela day

Vela-Culmination of 20 days of cerebration and a year's waiting!!!

Festivities at Mannam starts with  placing "thidambu" on the main elephant. 

All decorated elephants stands side by side with 
the main one at the center

This is followed by "panchavadyam".

People from all ages enjoyed in spite of  the heat on a summer afternoon.

Some respite to blazing sun!!!

Heat was beyond limits for few people

 You normally see this person behind camera, this time managed to get him in front of mine!!! Thanks to Baiju, I got privileged spot among professional photographers to take pictures.