Friday, April 12, 2019

Nemmara-Vallangy Vela-Chamayapradarshanam

Nemmara-Vallangy vela is the biggest event in my hometown that happens on 20th day of Malayalam month of Meenam. Festivities start from 1st of Meenam, with last 10 days being the most active. It culminates on Vela day with panchavadyam, fireworks and "ezhunallathu" parade of decorated elephants.

These decorations are displayed a day before Vela. This includes decorated umbrellas, golden "nettipattam" "äalavattom" decorated with peacock feather and "venchamaram" made of yak's hair  and "thidamnu" which is representation of the goddess. 

This year's display was inaugurated by noted film stars in Malayalam Mr. Manoj.K.Jayan and Mr. Jayaraj Warrier, along with committee members and other dignitaries. 

Few on my close friends and Dad taking a break outside.

My Dad with committee members

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