Friday, February 15, 2019

December pics from Kerala

 My visit to Kerala this time was not very eventful and was not able to take as many pictures as I wanted. Highlight of this trip was meeting with college buddies after a long time. 

Whatever I managed to get is posted below.

This tiny fellow was found outside my house.


There flowers are from my friend Dinesh's garden in Pallavur.


I had to visit an Ayurveda clinic this time and this lotus was there at the main entrance of the clinic.


I visited my dad's native, Amayur, few kilometers from Pattambi. We were all in the car and that is when my dad called me to show a peacock that flew inside our house, for the first time. I jumped out of the car and took few shots, only one was good enough to be posted.

Below picture was taken on our way while we stopped for a tea break and the dragon fly is from Amayur

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